Gray Scale Composition

This composition exercise with Bobby Chiu felt really difficult. I had trouble visualizing the scenes in detail intricate enough to render. I think I messed up the light and shadows - their placement as well as the gradation of the value scale. Even the line drawing started to take a hit towards the end and the skinny guy's shadow in the cave seemed to have gained a mind all of its own. Don't even begin to ask about the antelope/seal/bird trampling the head of the crustacean/ simplistic reindeer/ giant scarab. I'm not sure if I've gotten rusty, it has been over a week since I practiced composing. It feels like the information that entered my eyes somehow jumped off the retinal pathway and went for a holiday to some brain region other than my visual cortex. Sigh. Well, tomorrow is another day and I look forward to starting over with fresh eyes.

Thanks for stopping by, kind person. I hope you have a good day.


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