This was my first reaction to the Warcraft trailer. I used a still frame from the lore video linked below as reference. I started off intending to paint everyone in but ended up losing 3 nice looking orcs to a lack of space. And time. Mostly time, since I'm still making my way around my tools.
Like many of you out there, I am very excited about the upcoming movie! Check it out if you haven't already seen it.
While I haven't played any of the Warcraft games (dabbled around in DOTA 2 for an insignificant period of time), WoW was my re-introduction to gaming and my introduction to RPGs and I remember it with great fondness. It is reminiscent of a period in my life when a sense of timelessness reigned. And it was a long time ago. When I watched the movie, I desperately needed a refresher on the lore and this youtube video below provided a great brief. Not the kinds that the big orc warriors might wear, of course.
Well, tell me what you think of my drawing and how I can make it better.
Thanks for stopping by!
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