A Monochromatic Study

I loved doing this study in colors. It was hosted by Bobby Chiu of Schoolism,com. That guy is just made of pure awesomeness. He has a ton of incredibly useful resources on youtube. The study was fun and it allowed me to observe how nuanced a single color can be. Adding the lightest colors was especially enjoyable since they added a pop and brought in whole new dimension to the image that I could not have possibly imagined before! I am excited to note that I am beginning to see the light. *chuckles*

Thanks Bobby and all you wonderful people out there who are so generous with the knowledge you possess. The world is a better place thanks to you.

Thanks for stopping by, you have a wonderful day. 


  1. This is my absolute favorite of all of your work, not only because of the beautiful colors, but also since you've captured how each color has a specific strength and ability that no other can express. The colors go perfectly with the situation, making your pentaptych stark and captivating. -- (dp from sat comp)

    1. I agree with you on the colors making this piece so delightful and I wish I could take credit for picking them that but this was a composition exercise led by this awesome artist called Bobby Chiu. He does some really adorable fantasy pieces.


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